A Note From Our Founder On The Importance of Breastfeeding Awareness Month

A Note From Our Founder On The Importance of Breastfeeding Awareness Month

In some ways, it’s a chapter of life I’d rather forget. The birth of my first daughter was meant to be one of life’s most joyful moments. And indeed, it was in many ways. Except for breastfeeding. For six weeks, we struggled to achieve a successful latch. Eight to twelve times a day, I would position my sweet baby girl on the Boppy pillow, hoping for the best. Yet, every single attempt ended in frustration. Occasionally, she would latch briefly, but never long enough to benefit from the nourishment I was so determined to provide.


Enter the pump. That infernal contraption. For those initial 12 weeks, I felt like a dairy farm, tethered to the machine eight to twelve times daily, yielding hundreds of ounces of milk. The breast pump ramped up my supply, which had its advantages but mostly added to my challenges—leaking, waking up soaked in milk, engorgement, and more.


Most of my extended family offered support, those who grasped the struggle or tried to. Yet, the sting remains from a relative’s comment: "What do you mean you can’t breastfeed? Even apes can do it…" It was as if they vocalized the doubts already echoing in my mind.


I’ve always been stubborn, setting latching as my personal Everest. Giving up wasn’t an option. Looking back, choosing formula would have been more than fine for my baby’s health and my sanity. Hindsight is 20/20. 


Finally, at six weeks, success! We did it! She latched, and I basked in the breastfeeding bliss I’d yearned for… momentarily. Just a day after mastering latching, my baby was crying during every feed. I can still hear the questions: "Why does she cry every time she nurses?"


In one visceral moment, I knew exactly what was happening. "She’s got thrush, her tongue is white," I told my husband. Thankfully, we got her to a doctor and healed within days.


Finally, we achieved pain-free, successful latching. After weeks of trying, consulting lactation specialists, my husband assisting with positions, and countless adjustments, we made it. But it’s a reminder: breastfeeding isn’t always intuitive or cost-free, highlighting the importance of events like Breastfeeding Awareness Month. At Pippy Sips, we’re dedicated to overcoming some of the common challenges in feeding and pumping through our products, content, and customer support.  Follow along to hear about our activities to celebrate this month!

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